Explore 2B

Week B: Go and do likewise (Part 2)

Some notes for Grown-ups…

Envelope 3

On Friday 25th September, you should receive an envelope containing:

  • An instruction card
  • Mission Two instructions
  • A ‘Feeding of the 5000’ picture

Use the decoder pen to discover that you need to read John 6:1-14. The key point to draw out is that Jesus fed hungry people. Use the Feeding of the 5000 picture to help retell the story.

You’ll probably need to help your child to read the Mission Two instruction card. The mission is to do something that feeds hungry people and shows them something of God’s Love.

Again, the Mission Control Centre bit is optional. Feel free to send any photos or videos to Rich or Cat – we’re not going to do anything with them – but might send a personalised response back or a ‘mission completed’ certificate in the next envelope.

Funday Sunday

We’ll be meeting for a big group, child-friendly activity on Sunday, 27th September. Location and time to be confirmed.